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Are you missing
an opportunity
in your existing
customer base?

Customer Base

Often your salespeople are so busy, they’ll focus on larger customers and ignore smaller ones just because larger customers have more potential.

That doesn’t mean that smaller customers aren’t worth contacting.

York Consulting will call all your smaller customers to find out if they could buy more from you.

For example, a smaller customer could be buying printers from you, but if you’ve never asked them whether they need monitors, computers, servers, and software, etc. you’ll be missing an opportunity.

In other words, you need to capitalize on their true potential.

As for those who’ve stopped buying altogether, maybe they’ve just forgotten about you. Or you’ve forgotten about them.

When you give York Consulting the go-ahead, we will:

  • Update the customer information by finding out who the current  decision maker is.
  • Reintroduce your product or service.
  • Find out about other products or services of yours they could use.
  • Recommend support contracts, upgrades, add-ons, etc.

Result: A better relationship with your small customer. And definitely more sales.

Industries served: (Click on the industry for details)

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